Yanan Sui

Yanan Sui

Associate Professor

National Engineering Research Center of Neuromodulation

School of Aerospace Engineering

Tsinghua University

Research Areas

Learning to Move

for better Understanding and Restoration of Human Motor Functions

Machine Learning for Control and Dynamical Systems

Optimization and Reinforcement learning

with Safety Constraints, Preference Feedback, and Structured Decision Spaces

Neural Engineering and Robotics

Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal Modeling

Neuromodulation and Robotics for Movement Disorders


Yanan Sui is an associate professor at Tsinghua University working on Machine Learning for Control and Dynamical Systems, Neural Engineering, and Robotics. He received undergraduate degree from Tsinghua and Ph.D. degree from Caltech, working with Profs. Mu-ming Poo, Joel Burdick, and Yisong Yue. He was a postdoc with Prof. Fei-Fei Li at Stanford before joining Tsinghua.

Yanan was listed as one of the MIT TR35 (Innovator Under 35) in China by MIT TechReview in 2020. His work on Safe Optimization has been regularly taught in CS and Aero/Astro courses at multiple universities. His work on Preference Optimization has been applied to clinical treatments, and led to a best paper award at ICRA’20.


Human Factors and Artificial Intelligence


Undergrads may contact me through email

if interested in research programs below:

SRT @ Tsinghua

SURF @ Caltech

UGVR @ Stanford

Previous Teaching/Mentoring:


CS 337, AI-Assisted Health Care @Stanford, 2018 - 2019

Teaching Assistant

Contemporary Methods in System Neuroscience Research @Tsinghua, 2009

Mentoring Research Projects

Computation and Mathematical Sciences @Caltech, 2015 - 2018

Computer Science @Stanford, 2018 - 2019

AI Innovation and Entrepreneurship Course Project



Motion Control of High-Dimensional Musculoskeletal System with Hierarchical Model-Based Planning

Yunyue Wei, Shanning Zhuang, Vincent Zhuang, Yanan Sui

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2025

Scalable Bayesian Optimization via Focalized Sparse Gaussian Processes

Yunyue Wei, Vincent Zhuang, Saraswati Soedarmadji, Yanan Sui

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024

Safe Bayesian Optimization for the Control of High-Dimensional Embodied Systems

Yunyue Wei, Zeji Yi, Hongda Li, Saraswati Soedarmadji, Yanan Sui

Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2024

Distributionally Robust Constrained Reinforcement Learning under Strong Duality

Zhengfei Zhang, Kishan Panaganti, Laixi Shi, Yanan Sui, Adam Wierman, Yisong Yue

Reinforcement Learning Conference (RLC), 2024

FaceMotionPreserve: a generative approach for facial de-identification and medical information preservation

Bingquan Zhu, Chen Zhang, Yanan Sui, Luming Li

Scientific Reports

DynSyn: Dynamical Synergistic Representation for Efficient Learning and Control in Overactuated Embodied Systems

Kaibo He, Chenhui Zuo, Chengtian Ma, Yanan Sui

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024

A Survey of Constraint Formulations in Safe Reinforcement Learning

Akifumi Wachi, Xun Shen, Yanan Sui

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2024

Improving Sample Efficiency of High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization with MCMC

Zeji Yi, Yunyue Wei, Chu Xin Cheng, Kaibo He, Yanan Sui

Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference (L4DC), 2024

An Invariant Information Geometric Method for High-Dimensional Online Optimization

Zhengfei Zhang, Yunyue Wei, Yanan Sui

Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference (L4DC), 2024

Self Model for Embodied Intelligence: Modeling Full-Body Human Musculoskeletal System and Locomotion Control with Hierarchical Low-Dimensional Representation

Kaibo He, Chenhui Zuo, Jing Shao, Yanan Sui

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024


Adaptive Learning based Upper-Limb Rehabilitation Training System with Collaborative Robot

Jun Hong Lim, Kaibo He, Zeji Yi, Chen Hou, Chen Zhang, Yanan Sui, Luming Li

International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2023

Automatic Sleep Stage Classification with Cross-modal Self-supervised Features from Deep Brain Signals

Chen Gong, Yue Chen, Yanan Sui, Luming Li

International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2023


Deep brain–machine interfaces: sensing and modulating the human deep brain

Yanan Sui, Huiling Yu, Chen Zhang, Yue Chen, Changqing Jiang, Luming Li

National Science Review

{Issue Cover}


Confidence-Aware Imitation Learning from Demonstrations with Varying Optimality

Songyuan Zhang, Zhangjie Cao, Dorsa Sadigh, Yanan Sui

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021

Safe Policy Optimization with Local Generalized Linear Function Approximations

Akifumi Wachi, Yunyue Wei, Yanan Sui

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021

Imitation with Neural Density Models

Kuno Kim, Akshat Jindal, Yang Song, Jiaming Song, Yanan Sui, Stefano Ermon

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021

Interactive Video Acquisition and Learning System for Motor Assessment of Parkinson’s Disease

Yunyue Wei, Bingquan Zhu, Chen Hou, Chen Zhang, Yanan Sui

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2021

ROIAL: Region of Interest Active Learning for Characterizing Exoskeleton Gait Preference Landscapes

Kejun Li, Maegan Tucker, Erdem Bıyık, Ellen Novoseller, Joel W Burdick, Yanan Sui, Dorsa Sadigh, Yisong Yue, Aaron D. Ames

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021

No-Regret Reinforcement Learning with Heavy-Tailed Rewards

Vincent Zhuang, Yanan Sui

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2021

Deep Brain Stimulation Initiative: Towards Innovative Technology, New Disease Indications, and Approaches to Current and Future Clinical Challenges in Neuromodulation Therapy

Yanan Sui, Tian Ye, Wai Kin Daniel Ko, Zhiyan Wang, Fumin Jia, Andreas Horn, Dirk De Ridder, Ki Sueng Choi, Ausaf A Bari, Shouyan Wang, Clement Hamani, Kenneth Baker, Andre Machado, Tipu Z Aziz, Erich Talamoni Fonoff, Andrea A Kühn, Hagai Bergman, Terence David Sanger, Hesheng Liu, Suzanne Haber, Luming Li

Frontiers in Neurology, 2021


Parkinsonian Chinese Speech Analysis towards Automatic Classification of Parkinson's Disease

Hao Fang, Chen Gong, Chen Zhang, Yanan Sui, Luming Li

Machine Learning for Health, 2020

Chronically monitoring the deep brain rhythms: latest clinical progress

Yue Chen, Yanan Sui, Chen Gong, Bozhi Ma, Hongwei Hao, Luming Li

Science Bulletin, 2020

Safe Reinforcement Learning in Constrained Markov Decision Processes

Akifumi Wachi, Yanan Sui

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020

Dueling Posterior Sampling for Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning

Ellen Novoseller, Yibing Wei, Yanan Sui, Yisong Yue, Joel Burdick

Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2020

Preference-Based Learning for Exoskeleton Gait Optimization

Maegan Tucker, Ellen Novoseller, Claudia Kann, Yanan Sui, Yisong Yue, Joel Burdick, Aaron D. Ames

International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2020

{Best Conference Paper Award}

{Best Paper Award on Human-Robot Interaction}

Deepfakes for Medical Video De-Identification: Privacy Protection and Diagnostic Information Preservation

Bingquan Zhu, Hao Fang, Yanan Sui, Luming Li

AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES), 2020


D3TW: Discriminative Differentiable Dynamic Time Warping for Weakly Supervised Action Alignment and Segmentation

Chien-Yi Chang, De-An Huang, Yanan Sui, Li Fei-Fei, Juan Carlos Niebles

IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019

Motor Control after Human SCI through Activation of Muscle Synergies under Spinal Cord Stimulation

Richard Cheng, Yanan Sui, Dimitry Sayenko, Joel Burdick

IEEE Trans on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019

Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Based on Subthalamic Local Field Potentials

Yue Chen, Chen Gong, Hongwei Hao, Yi Guo, Shujun Xu, Yuhuan Zhang, Guoping Yin, Xin Cao, Anchao Yang, Fangang Meng, Jingying Ye, Hesheng Liu, Jianguo Zhang, Yanan Sui, Luming Li

IEEE Trans on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2019


On Muscle Activation for Improving Robotic Rehabilitation after Spinal Cord Injury

Richard Cheng, Yanan Sui, Dimitry Sayenko, Joel Burdick

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018

Stagewise Safe Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Processes

Yanan Sui, Vincent Zhuang, Joel Burdick, Yisong Yue

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018

Advancements in Dueling Bandits

Yanan Sui, Masrour Zoghi, Katja Hofmann, Yisong Yue

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018

Safe Exploration and Optimization of Constrained MDPs using Gaussian Processes

Akifumi Wachi, Yanan Sui, Yisong Yue, Masahiro Ono

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018

2017 & earlier

Quantifying performance of bipedal standing with multi-channel EMG

Yanan Sui, Kun ho Kim, Joel Burdick

IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017

Correlational dueling bandits with application to clinical treatment in large decision spaces

Yanan Sui, Yisong Yue, Joel Burdick

International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2017

Multi-dueling bandits with dependent arms

Yanan Sui, Vincent Zhuang, Joel Burdick, Yisong Yue

Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2017

Safe Exploration for Optimization with Gaussian Processes

Yanan Sui, Alkis Gotovos, Joel Burdick, Andreas Krause

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2015

* Book chapter of Algorithms for Optimization, kindly provided by Prof. Mykel Kochenderfer @Stanford.

Clinical online recommendation with subgroup rank feedback

Yanan Sui, Joel Burdick

ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2014

Tonotopic reorganization and spontaneous firing in inferior colliculus during both short and long recovery periods after noise overexposure

Feng Wang, Li Zuo, Bo Hong, Dongyi Han, Ethan M Range, Lingyun Zhao, Yanan Sui, Weiwei Guo and Liangfa Liu

Journal of Biomedical Science 2013, 20:91

Axon position within the corpus callosum determines contralateral cortical projection

Jing Zhou, Yunqing Wen, Liang She, Yanan Sui, Lu Liu, Linda J. Richards, and Mu-ming Poo

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 110.29 (2013): E2714-E2723

in Chinese

Forward transport of proteins in the plasma membrane of migrating cerebellar granule cells

Dong Wang, Liang She, Yanan Sui, Xiao-bing Yuan, Yunqing Wen and Mu-ming Poo

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 109.51 (2012): E3558-E3567


Yanan Sui

ysui [AT] tsinghua.edu.cn

MengMinWei Sci.&Tech. Building North Wing, Room N-623

School of Aerospace Engineering

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

LNS Group

Learning & Neural Systems Group

lnsgroup [AT] tsinghua.edu.cn

MengMinWei Sci.&Tech. Building North Wing, Room N-702B

School of Aerospace Engineering

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

National Engineering Research Center of Neuromodulation

neln [AT] tsinghua.edu.cn

+86 10 6279 4952

MengMinWei Sci.&Tech. Building North Wing, Room N-204B

School of Aerospace Engineering

Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

Recruiting Graduate Students and Postdoc Researchers